Skyping with my grandsons

I’ve been Skyping and Facetiming with my grandsons, Ethan and Isaac, since they were old enough to poke a finger in my virtual eye.  We played hide under the blanket, peek-a-boo, and Mommy-I-want-milk-right-NOW. 

With our homes half a world away, technology is amazing.  I listened to each boy learn to talk, sing songs, count to ten, and warble the alphabet.  Once or twice I even read them a bedtime story.  We have a great photo of Ethan lying in his crib talking away to Grandma-in-the-computer.  Except that I can’t cuddle them, it’s almost as good as being there.

Now that they’re four and five, our adventures have changed.  For one thing, they are mobile.  Grandma-in-the-phone can go along for the ride…literally.  I’ve raced on a tricycle, gone to the playroom, and even accompanied them to the potty.

Good times.

Last week, Ethan put me on a train carriage taking a lengthy journey around the living room. The full tour – accompanied by impressive train noises while I looked at the ceiling. 

And then… there was a derailment! I was left under the dining room table until Isaac, the fireman, (cue loud siren noises) found me. He loaded me up for a hair-raising race to the firehouse.  Triage was located on the second floor of the miniature station. Fireman Isaac left for a well-earned snack. 

My daughter found me awhile later as I feebly called for a second rescue.  I’m beginning to feel like one of the Borrowers.

I’m going to visit in a few weeks. In our last conversation, Ethan leaned on his hands and solemnly told me I should come and sleep in my bedroom upstairs.  And he thought it would be a nice thing if I brought them each a toy.

I live half a world away, but unlike the good old days, we can see each other and chat.  When someone perfects holograms, maybe I can cuddle them too.

I can hardly wait!